每年, esball国际平台客户端校长关注全社会的需求, 大学, or the world to create a challenge that asks Clarkson students to use the skills they have or are in the process of learning to develop a unique solution to a real-world problem.

2023年总统的挑战——“设计”. 构建. 连接." - focuses on something critical to all universities: getting prospective students excited about the hands-on, interdisciplinary education they will receive if they choose to attend Clarkson.


Developing personalized connections with prospective students is a critical component of any university’s impact on the world! Clarkson has already taken prominent steps to develop these connections, 我们还可以继续做得更多.

我们需要你的帮助! 参加今年的总统挑战赛, esball国际平台客户端学生面临的挑战是创造自己的简单, 互动, and cost-effective collectibles that can be distributed to prospective students!

这项挑战将贯穿2023年秋季学期, and will consist of several deliverables across six stages of content (see below for more information). 在11月, student teams will present their collectibles to the community at the official 总统挑战赛, where they will potentially receive one of several awards (and even better prizes)!

The goal of this new President’s Challenge is to provide students with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with steps in the development process, 包括构想, 原型设计, 采购, 成本核算, 生产计划, 品牌, 和商业化!


Interdisciplinary student teams will focus on one of eight categories based on Clarkson’s most popular academic disciplines. 在这个过程中, 他们将与教师导师一起工作, and will be invited to attend biweekly lessons by relevant subject matter experts!



航空航天工程- “飞行!”
商业研究- “创业 & 金融!”
esball国际平台客户端。 “我们是金骑士!”
土木工程- “全民公共工程”!”
工程 & 管理- - - - - - “引领技术变革”!”
人文学科 & 艺术- - - - - - “为了所有人的利益!”
机械工程—— “到那里!”
科学- - - - - - “未来的科学发现”!”



  • 阶段1
    • 8月26日- 9月8日
    • 团队组建/构思
  • 第二阶段
    • 9月9日- 22日
    • 研究/规划/教师支持
  • 第三阶段
    • 9月23日- 10月6日
    • 原型设计/品牌推广
  • 第四阶段
    • 10月7日- 20日
    • 采购/可持续发展
  • 第五阶段
    • 10月21日- 11月3日
    • 成本核算/生产计划
  • 阶段6
    • 11月4日- 15日
    • 商业化/生产计划
  • 总统挑战赛
    • 11月17日星期五

总统挑战不会在11月结束! 整个秋季(和春季)学期的剩余时间, winning teams will continue to refine their collectibles and production plans in anticipation of distribution to prospective students in 2024.

在总统挑战赛的每个阶段, an alumni Subject Matter Expert (SME) will visit the Potsdam campus and provide participating student teams with a lesson on the topics of their stage!

六节中小企业课程中的每一节都是完全免费的, 并将在新装修的ERC中庭举行. 不久之后, the SMEs will be available in the ERC to answer any questions students have on their stage.


  • 第一阶段:布莱恩·弗拉托博士.D ‘13, ‘16
    • 课程:9月13日
    • Q&9月14日
  • 第二阶段:杰米·豪斯01年和15年
    • 课程:9月20日
    • Q&A: 9月22日
  • 第三阶段:凯文 & 夏洛特·麦克维蒂11、14、16年的学生
    • 课程:10月4日
    • Q&10月5日
  • 第四阶段:马特·霍桑19和21年
    • 课程:10月18日
    • Q&10月19日
  • 第五阶段:克莱尔·刘19、21岁
    • 课程:10月25日
    • Q&10月26日
  • 第六阶段:与神秘客人在炉边聊天…敬请期待!

中小企业的教训和Q&A sessions will be a fantastic learning experience for all participants in the President’s Challenge. 一定要准备好学习,准备好成功!

今年, all first year students will be participating in the President’s Challenge through their First Year Seminar course, 在整个六个阶段中,他们将被引导到哪里!

其他学生也可以参加! The President’s Challenge is open to any undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled at a Clarkson campus.

Participating teams will consist of three to five students of various academic majors. Each team will also work alongside a faculty mentor who is related to the team’s choice of collectible category.

总统挑战赛现已开始报名! 使用 这种形式, teams can confirm each of their members and key pieces of information. 

Some teams might not have all the details yet (faculty mentor, collectible category, etc.),没关系! 一旦他们掌握了信息, they can simply re-open the registration form and update their submission.

Students who can’t find a team to participate with can instead complete 这种形式,这将通知esball国际平台客户端点燃公司他们的兴趣.

Key deliverables of this year’s President’s Challenge include team formation assignments, 完成生产和采购计划, 还有收藏品本身! These deliverables (as well as a few others) will be due at the end of Stages 2, 4, 和6, 以及总统挑战赛.


More information about the 总统的挑战 deliverables can be found in an exclusive Entrepreneurial Mindset micro-credential course on Moodle. 要注册本课程,请遵循以下说明 这个页面. 要再次进入课程,只需 访问此链接!

在这个微型证书中, Modules 1 through 4 will help you learn about what an Entrepreneurial Mindset actually is, 你怎么能好奇呢, 建立连接, 并在总统挑战中创造价值. All teams are asked to complete these four modules, which should only take one to two hours!

Module 5 features all of the important details to know about the challenge (besides everything on 这个页面!),以及主要可交付成果的提交框. Be sure to visit the Moodle course often to stay up-to-date on the challenge!

在11月, 在正式的总统挑战展示会上, each team’s collectibles will be judged on several different criteria - some may win awards!

Key judging criteria will focus on the cost of producing a team’s collectible, 相关的可持续性方面, 以及供应链和制造计划.

Other criteria will examine how closely a collectible aligns with Clarkson values, 品牌, 和颜色, 以及它如何代表一个特定的学术学科.

详细的规则和评判标准将很快公布. 一定要在整个挑战过程中经常回顾它们!

Participation in the President’s Challenge won’t just lead to a fantastic learning experience, 但也有可能获得几个惊人的奖项之一! 

While the official list of prizes is being kept under wraps until the challenge is underway, we can share a sneak peak at one of the best prizes: faculty/staff parking stickers for a winning team! 敬请关注有关奖品的更多细节……

Faculty mentors will also be eligible to receive prizes, including a TA for a year! 要得奖可不容易, 但我们鼓励团队保持好奇心, 连接, 在参加总统挑战赛的同时也很有创造力. 最好的球队会赢吗!

esball国际平台客户端点燃 has the following materials available for you to use in your collectibles:

  • 乐高
  • 林肯日志
  • K ' nex
  • 拆装玩具
  • 拼图
  • 三维丝

但这还不是全部! Ignite将在整个挑战中获得额外的材料, and student teams will be able to request specific materials using 这种形式.

第三阶段(原型设计及品牌推广), open 原型设计 hours will be held in the new Ignite Classroom (ERC 1501). 敬请关注更多信息!

在总统的挑战中, each team will work alongside a Faculty Mentor related to their choice of collectible category! 但是这些教师导师是谁呢? Any Clarkson faculty member who has volunteered their time to help with the challenge! 当前教师导师的完整列表可以在这里找到.

Additional faculty members who want to volunteer their time are welcome to do so! 他们所要做的就是 填妥此表格,他们的名字将被添加到名单中.

As a reminder, the prizes for 指导老师 of winning teams are just as amazing as student prizes! The number one Faculty Mentor prize is a TA for a year… so get ready to win!